Stacey Jane

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Superfood For Singers

Superfoods for Superstars

How to keep your voice in top shape with the help of Nature's Bounty.

I'm going to give you some secrets about how I stay healthy and keep singing, every single day! 

It starts with nutrition..

Keeping a healthy immune system is crucial for singers. Being unwell will hinder the ability to produce a high quality sound. Superfoods are known to strengthen the immune system and therefore can keep you healthy and performing well in rehearsal, practice, the recording studio, and on stage. These superfoods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids are especially beneficial for singers. 

Examples of Superfoods include:

Green tea : Green tea has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer through various studies. It contains high levels of antioxidants, which protect us against free radicals. It also combats cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart disease.

Green Tea boosts Superhealth because it effectively protects against many chronic, age-related diseases.

Blueberries have been a recent Superfood that is being used to fight cancer, because they contain more antioxidants than any other Superfood.

Some Superfoods are not so obvious, such as Apple Cider Vinegar, which contains an enzyme called pectin that aids digestion. 

Honey is also a Superfood, because it contains natural anti-bacterial properties that help prevent infections. 

Bananas are rich in potassium and fibre and gives you natural energy

Coconut oil;  as it boosts metabolism. It also improves cognitive function and fights cancer when used to cook food at high temperatures.

Cranberries are Superfoods too, because they contain a substance called proanthocyanidins that inhibit the growth of bacteria.  slows the signs of aging.

Ginger – aids in digestion and supports the immune system

Avocado : a Superfood that contains omega 9 fatty acid, which has been shown to improve brain function and reduce the risk of heart disease. Superfoods can help Superhealth by decreasing aging, improving cognition, preventing cancer, preventing heart disease, and most importantly - keeping us alive much longer that

Chia + Flaxseeds are rich is Omega-3

Kale is a powerful anti-oxidant with anti-inflammatory properties

Strawberries – just one serving provides more vitamin c than an orange while being low in natural sugars

Cucumber – since it’s 95% water, it’s an incredible detoxifier and helps with liver and kidney function

Spinach  Superfoods are Super to your Superhealth since they contain an inordinate amount of nutrients and compounds that have been shown to prevent pretty much every chronic disease there is, it is also easy to digest and disguise the taste as It’s mild tasting yet packed with vitamins, and is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Turmeric – anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties

Acai because is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.

Why not try blending some of these ingredients to make your own version of a Singers Superfood Smoothie!

Stacey Jane